Bread Pudding Super Simple - Siapa yang tak menyenangi puding? Puding yaitu salah satu makanan pencuci mulut unggulan segala usia. Selain mempunyai rasa yang nikmat, makanan ini juga sehat terutama kalau dibuat dengan komposisi bahan natural. Bahan utama dalam pembuatan puding beberapa besar berasal dari susu, yang sudah diketahui memiliki kandungan gizi makro yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Sekiranya Anda berharap mencoba membuat resep puding yang sehat, coba ikuti beberapa resep berikut ini:

Bread Pudding Super Simple Must try and send me ur feedback on the comment section. Super Simple Songs - Halloween - Mini Cards. Our Favorite Bumble Num Activities From Super Simple! This bread pudding is not the kind that you serve with sauce or eat with a dessert spoon or fork; it's the kind that you just carry around and eat with your hands. Making this bread pudding is really easy and you'll only need a few ingredients. shred or cut stale bread into small pieces. soak raisins in rum. This is by far the easiest and most delicious bread pudding I have ever encountered. Anda bisa membuat Bread Pudding Super Simple memakai 8 bahan dan 1 langkah. Begini cara memasaknya.

Bahan-bahan memasak Bread Pudding Super Simple

  1. Kamu butuh 2 Lembar roti tawar putih,buang pinggirnya, @potong jadi 6.
  2. Sediakan 1 Butir telur.
  3. Bunda butuh 1 sdm madu (bisa diganti gula pasir).
  4. Siapkan 1 sdm susu bubuk/UHT 25ml.
  5. Sediakan 50 ml santan (jika pakai susu bubuk)/25ml santan (jika pakai UHT.
  6. Siapkan Sedikit kayu manis bubuk.
  7. Sediakan 1 sdm keju cheddar parut (sy pakai merk Bega).
  8. Sediakan Sedikit kismis untuk topping (Bisa diganti lainnya atau diskip).

Langkah-langkah memasak Bread Pudding Super Simple

  1. Campur semua bahan jadi satu, lalu aduk sampai benar-benar rata. Taruh di wadah tahan panas, hias dengan toping lalu kukus selama 15-20menit. Angkat, tunggu supaya tidak panas, sajikan..

Baca Juga : Resep Puding

Bread Pudding Super Simple - Be sure to use a good, bakery-quality Challah bread, and do not make low-fat substitutions for. I'm craving this Super Simple Vegan Garlic Bread as I write this right now! (probably because it's around dinner time and I can smell food cooking). Josh says: Even when you're full, you can still manage to eat this garlic bread, and you won't leave a crumb behind! Filled with cinnamon and nutmeg this makes the perfect breakfast or dessert recipe. · Old fashioned bread pudding with vanilla,bourbon or caramel sauce is an easy and simple homestead recipe to use up eggs, milk and. My easy hack is to make bread pudding in a springform pan! It's easy to remove and the pudding holds together I'm all about the simple things in life! Follow along on social media via #dempstersholidayhacks and. Selamat Mencoba